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Recent Pallet Rack Projects around 
the Country!
Pallet Rack World is a proud partner of Carolina Material Handling.  
If you need pallet rack for your facility we would love to help.
Have your warehouse racking ordered, shipped and installed anywhere in the country.  Below are just a few of the recent pallet rack projects that customers have had completed.
Wireway Husky Pallet Rack Memphis TN & Charlotte, NC
Teardrop Husky Pallet Rack
Mecalux Teardrop Pallet Rack and Installation in VA
Mecalux Racking Uprights, Beams and Wire Mesh Decking - Chantilly, VA
Mecalux Uprights, Orange Teardrop Beams and Nashvilel Wire Mesh Decking
Mecalux Teardrop Pallet Rack Installation
Structural pallet rack beams w/ carton flow
Span Track Carton Fow
Rack Back for 8' Wide Bays
Rack Guard Safety Panels
2012 Pallet Rack World, All rights reserved.

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Pallet Rack World covers every state in the US Including:  Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware| Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

​Pallet Rack World carries all of the major pallet rack brands including:  Interlake Mecalux | Unarco | Ridg U Rak | Bulldog Rack | Steelking | Wireway Husky
Flatbed shipments of pallet racking delivered to Florence, SC
Connecting Teardrop Beams to Teardrop Uprights - Pallet Rack Installation in SC
Below you will find mostly pallet rack installation projects from the recent months. Some of our suppliers on these projects include Interlake Mecalux, Wireway Husky, Bulldog Pallet Rack, Unex SpanTrak and Wirecrafters.  Let us know if you would like any additional info on providing racking and material handling equipment for your facility.  
Installing Wireway Husky Invincible Teardrop Style Pallet Racking with Wire Decks
Battery Storage Racking & Wire Decks for Johnson Controls
Extendo Max Roll Out Shelf Pallet Rack for Die Storage
Ridg U Rak Extendo Max Roll Out Shelves Racking for Die Storage
Warehouse pallet rack layout - teardrop style pallet rack and installation
Mecalux teardrop style pallet rack installation Fort Mill, SC
Interlake Mecalux teardrop pallet rack installation with wire mesh decking in Fort Mill, SC
Used Teardrop Uprights, Beams and Wire Decking - Greensboro, NC
Extendo Max Roll Out Shelf Pallet Rack for Die Storage
Mecalux Teardrop Pallet Rack Installation
Span Track Carton Flow for Pallet Racking QUOTE
Mecalux Uprights, Orange Teardrop Beams and Nashvilel Wire Mesh Decking
Structural pallet rack beams w/ carton flow
Flatbed shipments of pallet racking delivered to Florence, SC
Roll Out Shelf Pallet Racking
Wirecrafters Rack Back Safey Panels | Rack Netting | Pallet Rack Back Stops
Warehouse pallet rack teardrop uprights, beams and wire decks
Heavy Duty Cantliver Racking
Meco Omaha Heavy Duty Cantiliver Racking
Wireway Husky Teardrop Style Pallet Rack Charlotte, NC
Location:  Charlotte, NC
Project:    Install Cantilever Rack, Pallet Rack.
Time:        2 Days
Notes:       Installed Meco Omaha Heavy Duty 
                   Cantilever Racking.  18' High Uprights 
                   and 48''Long Arms.  Provided Wireway                    Husk Pallet Racking.
Kurz Transfer | Cantilever Rack and Pallet Rack - Charlotte,NC
Victory Packaging | Used & New Teardrop Rack Installation - Fort Mill, SC
Location:  Fort Mill, SC
Project:    Install Pallet Rack based on Layout
Time:        2 Days
Notes:      Installed new Mecalux teardrop uprights,                    used teardrop beams and new wire decks.
                   The uprights are 16' high x 42'' deep.  The                    used teardrop beams are 8' long.
Used teardrop pallet rack installation - Greensboro, NC
Location:  Greensboro, NC
Project:    Roll Out Shelving Pallet Rack
Time:        2 Hours
Notes:      Installed used Wireway Husky teardrop                    pallet rack and wire decking.  The 
                   customer called on a Monday and the
                   used rack was installed the next day.
Location:  Greensboro, NC
Project:    Roll Out Shelving Pallet Rack
Time:        2 Days
Notes:      Supplied and installed Extendo Max Roll 
                  out shelving for Die Storage.  The Roll out                   Shelves help with loading/unloading the 
                  Dies with an overhead hoist/crane system.
Extendo Max Roll Out Shelves for Die Storage
Ram Tool Mecalux Pallet Rack & Shelving
Location:  Chantilly, VA
Project:    Interlake Mecalux & Installation
Time:        3 Days
Notes:       Install was based on a rack layout by the 
                    customer.  7 Beam levels for some bays.
                    Rivet style shelving at the end of the pallet                     rack rows.
Warehouse Pallet Rack for Johnston Distributing
Location:  Greensboro, NC
Project:    Interlake Mecalux & Installation
Time:        2 Days
Notes:      Mecalux uprights and beams shipped in
                   from Sumpter, SC, Wire Decks in stock 
                   In Greensboro, NC.  The installation was                    based on the pallet rack layout.
Location:  Greensboro, NC
Project:    Structural Rack w/ Carton Flow
Time:        Customer Installed Themselves
Notes:      Structural beams w/ special connectors to
                   fit on existing uprights.  Carton flow by                    Span Track. The Span Track used hangers                    to rest inside the channel of the beam.
Structural Pallet Rack & Unex Carton Flow for Summit Pet
Rack Back Safety Panels on Wireway Husky Racking
Location:  Chicago, IL
Project:    Rack Back Safety Panels on Racking
Time:        1 Day
Notes:      Rack Guard Safety Panels - Nut & Bolt
                   on to the post, 4'' offset, 8' wide x 18' high                    of coverage on the pallet racking.                                     Wirecrafters Rack Back Safety Panels.
Battery Storage Racking & Wire Decks for Johnson Controls
Location:  Florence, SC
Project:    Rack Back Safety Panels on Racking
Time:        2 Weeks
Notes:      Teardrop Pallet Racking, Bulldog Rack,
                   26' High Uprights, 4' Heavy Duty Beams,
                   Wire mesh decking on all of the beam                     levels, seismic anchors for the uprights.

Dow Electronics Wireway Husky Pallet Rack
Location:  Memphis, TN and Charlotte, NC
Project:    Wireway Husky Pallet Rack & Installation
Time:        2 Days
Notes:      Green teardrop Wireway Husky Uprights
                   Orange beams, Nashville Wire Decking, 
                   12' high x 42'' deep uprights, 8' long                                     teardrop beams, 42'' deep x 46'' wire decks.
Location:  Charlotte, NC
Project:    Breakdown, Move Carpet Rack
Time:        1 Day
Notes:       The customer needed their structural
                  2 deep " carpet rack" broken down,
                  moved and re-installed in a different
                  area of their warehouse.
Hanes Companies, Inc. | Structural Carpet Rack Move - Charlotte, NC
Pallet rack and wire decking installed in Charleston, SC
Teardrop warehouse rack, teardrop interlake uprights and interlake beams
Hydradyne LLC | Supply, Deliver and Install Racking - Charleston, SC
Interlake Pallet Rack Installation Charleston, SC
Location:  Charleston, SC
Project:    Interlake Pallet Rack & Wire Decks
Time:        6 Hours
Notes:       Supplied, delivered and installed
                    Interlake pallet racking and Nashville Wire
                    decking.  16' High x 42'' Deep Uprights
                    8' Interlake beams, 42'' x 46'' wire decks.
Structural Pallet Rack Move | Breakdown and Re-Install Charlotte, NC
Structural Pallet Rack Move | Breakdown and Re-Install Charlotte, NC
Layout of Pallet Rack Breakdown and Re-installation in Charlotte, NC
Location:  Fort Mill, SC
Project:    Triboro Double Rivet Shelving
Time:        8 Hours
Notes:       Supplied, delivered and installed
                    16 Sections of Rivet Style Shelving
                    48'' wide x 24'' deep x 96'' high shelving,
                    6 shelves per section with particle board.
Triboro Rivet Style Shelving Monroe, NC, Charlotte, NC, Fort Mill, SC
AFP Inc | Double Rivet Shelving - Fort Mill, SC

Location:  Greensboro, NC
Project:    Warehouse Racking, Shelving etc..
Time:        4 Days
Notes:       Supplied, delivered and installed
                    Mecalux pallet racking with wire decking,                     Triboro rivet shelving, steel shelving, wire                     carts, workbenches, mail sorters, lockers.
Lincoln Financial | Racking, Shelving, Workbenches etc... - Greensboro, NC

Flatbed shipment of pallet rack uprights, shipping teardrop pallet racking
Warehouse rack installation - mecalux pallet rack and wire mesh decking
Tennsco workbenches, mobile workbenches, maple wood top workbench
Rivet Style Shelving, warehouse shelving greensboro, nc
Location:  Greensboro, NC
Project:    Teardrop Pallet Racking & Wire Decks
Time:        3 Hours
Notes:       Supplied, delivered and installed
                    Interlake teardrop pallet racking.  12' high
                    uprights x 42'' deep, 8' long beams, and
                    42'' x 46'' wire mesh decking.
AFP Inc | Interlake Pallet Rack & Wire Decking - Greensboro, NC

Warehouse racking installation Greensboro, NC
Warehouse racking installation Greensboro, NC
Time Lapse - Interlake Teardrop Pallet Rack Installation
The video to the left illustrates a quick installation of Interlake pallet racking.  The uprights are 12' high x 42'' deep.  The teardrop style beams are 8' long x 4'' face.  The wire decks drop into place and measure 42'' deep x 46'' wide.
Call or email us if you need pallet racking, shelving, wire decks, post protectors, rack backing, cantilever racking, wide span racking or bulk storage racking.  
Let us know if you would like your racking/shelving installed as well.
Quick quotations can be emailed right over!
Interlake Teardrop Style Uprights
Pallet Rack Installation Time Lapse Video Teardrop Rack Install
IOB | Wireway Husky Teardrop Pallet Rack - Greensboro, NC
Warehouse Rack Installation | Husky Rack & Wire | Greensboro, NC
Nashville Wire mesh decking | D4252AA3A1 | 42'' Deep x 52'' Wide | 2,700lbs Capacity
IBX48108 Husky Teardrop Style Beams | 9' Long x 5'' Face | 6,357lbs Capacity
12' Long Teardrop Beams  IBN60144
Pallet Rack Tunnel Bay
Triboro Steel Box Clipper Parts Storage Shelving Grey
Warehouse Rack Shelving Installation
IBN60144 Teardrop Style Beams 12' Long x 6'' Face
Carolina Thomas | Parts Storage | Pallet Rack & Steel Shelving
This project took place at Carolina Thomas in Greensboro, NC.  New warehouse parts department required pallet racking as well as steel shelving.
Brand:  Husky Rack & Wire and Triboro Shelving
Details:  16' high x 48'' deep teardrop uprights, 12' beams and wire decks
Industries of the Blind in Greensboro, NC moved into a new warehouse and needed pallet storage racking.  Racking the entire warehouse with teardrop racking consisted of 300 bays of racks.  16' high x 42'' deep Husky Rack & Wire teardrop uprights, 9' long teardrop beams and 42'' x 52'' galvanized wire mesh decking.  This pallet racking was delivered on flatbed trucks, unloaded, staged and installed within 8 business days.