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Wirecrafters Pallet Rack Enclosures Secure Inventory
Wirecrafters security enclosures for pallet racking
Pallet rack enclosures help to prevent inventory shrinkage
  Existing pallet racks can be completely enclosed with wire mesh panels and doors to secure Existing pallet racks can be completely enclosed with wire mesh panels and doors to secure and control high value inventory

48 Hour Quick Ship
  Stock panels are ready to ship within 48 hours of receiving your order
Secure inventory and the contents of 
existing pallet racks while preventing 
inventory shrinkage with WireCrafters 
Pallet Rack Enclosures. 
Security officers and loss prevention 
specialists prefer WireCrafters Style 
840 Partitions for securing valuable 
items in bulk storage or on pallet racks. 
Existing facility pallet racks can be 
completely enclosed with standard 
wire mesh panels and doors to secure 
and control high value inventory. 
Modular sized wire mesh panels are quick 
to install and are inherently stronger than 
competing pallet rack enclosing systems.

WireCrafters Pallet Rack Enclosures will control access and help prevent theft of your high value inventory items. A complete pallet rack enclosure consists of wire mesh panels on the back, ends, and top of the rack, with access doors on the front side.
In order to convert existing pallet racks into a secure storage enclosure, doors are required for the front. Any bay of an existing pallet rack can be turned into a secure storage area. WireCrafters stocks double hinge doors that are 8'-0" wide in 8'-0" and 10'-0" heights. These double-hinge doors bolt directly to the rack uprights with simple hand tools. The enclosure doors come equipped with a padlock lug. WireCrafters can manufacture double-hinge doors up to 12'-0" wide x 20'-0" high. On oversized doors, we provide our own door posts that are attached directly to the rack uprights in the field.

Sliding doors may be the most popular type of pallet rack enclosure door. Sliding doors also mount directly to the pallet rack uprights, and are sized from 8'-0" x 8'-0" up to 12'-0" x 20'-0" high. When multiple bays of pallet racks are side by side, these sliding doors mount on a double track system and allow one door to slide out of the way in front of the other door. Unlike double hinge doors, sliding doors use minimal aisle space and are ideal for areas with smaller aisle clearance.
Pallet Rack Security Cage with Hinged Doors | Wirecrafters
Sliding Doors to Enclose Pallet Rack
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Pallet Rack World covers every state in the US Including:  Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware| Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

​Pallet Rack World carries all of the major pallet rack brands including:  Interlake Mecalux | Unarco | Ridg U Rak | Bulldog Rack | Steelking | Wireway Husky
Sliding Doors to Enclose & Secure Pallet Racking
Hinged Doors
Racking Enclosures