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Grey Keystone Style Pallet Racking
Pallet Rack World:  Keystone Style Pallet Rack | Keystone Uprights | Keystone Beams 
Keystone Pallet Rack is much less common than it used to be, however there is still a large amount of this racking being used today.  Keystone racking is also sometimes called Republic racking.  The holes in the uprights look like a keystone. Keystone racking is most often yellow (beams) and grey (uprights). Keystone rack  have beam clips have hooks with square - not round tops.

Keystone/Republic Rack features beams and upright frames that are engineered and manufactured to strict design and quality specifications, ensuring consistent and easy installation. A locking safety clip locks beam and upright together to prevent accidental beam uplift. These racks and accessories provide low-cost storage of pallets, drums and other bulk items to meet a wide range of storage needs.

Keystone Rack is designed for optimum strength-to-weight ratio.

Upright frames are engineered to promote the structural integrity of the rack system. Columns have solid corners and keystone slots punched in the area of least stress for maximum load capacity. The keystone design protects against metal tearing, resists side loading and reduces secondary stress. U-shaped horizontal and diagonal braces are welded in z-patterns for greater strength. Heavy-duty 11-gauge foot plates are welded to upright columns for floor anchoring. Columns allow for 3" vertical beam adjustment.

Keystone Style  Pallet Rack Shipping Locations in: GA

Pallet Rack World's professional pallet rack sales staff has years of experience with pallet racking of all types. We have thousands of beams, uprights and rack accessories in-stock and ready for immediate shipment. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact us for a professional rack consultation.  Our structural style of  rack is designed for durability and value. We believe we have the lowest structural rack prices in the entire Country. 

  New Keystone style pallet rack in stock in Atlanta, GA!
Atlanta, GA
5000 Old Peachtree Road
Atlanta, GA 30360
(336) 253-8766
2012 Pallet Rack World, All rights reserved.

Keystone Style Pallet Rack
Pallet Rack World - Uprights | Beams | Wire Decks
Keystone & Teardrop Style Pallet Rack Uprights
Choose your height, depth and capacity of Spruill Keystone Style or Teardrop Style Uprights
 Keystone Style or Teardrop Style Beams
  • ​Choose either Keystone Step Beams
  • Choose Teardrop Step Beams
  • Beams are Orange

Keystone Style Pallet Rack Accessories
Choose your pallet rack crossbars, row spacers, wall ties and column protectors.
Keystone Pallet Rack Accessories
DescriptionDepthHeightPart NumberCapacityWeight Ea.SizePrice Each
Keystone or Teardrop Upright36"96"RU18*3609618,600443"xl-5/8"$65.40
Keystone or Teardrop Upright42"96"RU18*4209618,600463"xl-5/8"$67.13
Keystone or Teardrop Upright36"120"RU18*3612018,600533"xl-5/8"$74.48
Keystone or Teardrop Upright42"120"RU18*4212018,600553"xl-5/8"$75.81
Keystone or Teardrop Upright36"144"RU18*3614418,600653"xl-5/8"$91.35
Keystone or Teardrop Upright42"144"RU18*4214418,600683"xl-5/8"$95.57
Keystone or Teardrop Upright48"144"RU18*4814418,600713"xl-5/8"$99.78
Keystone or Teardrop Upright42"192"RU18*4219218,600893''x1-5/8''$125.08
DescriptionSizePart NumberCapacityWeightPrice
Keystone or Teardrop Beams4'' x 96''RBS6*400964,287lbs24lbs$34.50
Keystone or Teardrop Beams4-1/2'' x 96''RBS6*450965,170lbs26lbs$36.75
Keystone or Teardrop Beams4-1/2'' x 108''RBS4*451085,624lbs35lbs$45.00
Keystone or Teardrop Beams5'' x 120''RBS4*501206,000lbs41lbs$51.00
Keystone or Teardrop Beams6'' x 144''RBS4*601446,690lbs55lbs$68.50
DescriptionPart NumberSizeWeight EachPrice
Flanged Cross BarRBF3636''5.5$8.92
Flanged Cross BarRBF4242''6.4$10.38
Flanged Cross BarRBF4848''7.3$11.84
Row SpacerRUR66''1.1$6.89
Row SpacerRUR1212''2.1$7.97
Wall TieRUW66''1.1$7.09
Wall TieRUW1212''2.1$8.17
Post Protector (Yellow)RUP1212''5.5$18.00
Post Protector (Yellow)RUP1818''7.8$27.40
Post Protector (Yellow)RUP2424''10.1$34.50
2012 Pallet Rack World, All rights reserved.

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How to Order
Keystone Pallet Rack 48 Hour Quick Ship
Pallet Rack World covers every state in the US Including:  Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware| Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

​Pallet Rack World carries all of the major pallet rack brands including:  Interlake Mecalux | Unarco | Ridg U Rak | Bulldog Rack | Steelking | Wireway Husky
Above:  New Keystone Style Beam and Upright Connection
Keystone Style Uprights
Keystone Style Pallet Rack Beams
Grey Keystone Uprights Gray Keystone Rack Beams
Model #

Qty 30
Qty 60
Qty 454
Qty 240


Wire Decks


18' High x 36'' Deep
9'  High x 36'' Deep
9' Long x 4.5'' Face
36'' Deep x 46'' Wide





Used Keystone Rack - Liberty, NC
  • Used Rack above is in stock in Liberty, NC
  • Very Good Condition
  • Green Uprights (Some Gray)
  • Gray Bams

Used Keystone Style Pallet Racking
Used Keystone Style Beams 9' Long
Used Keystone Beams 9' x 4.5''